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Pelotonia is best known for its annual Ride Weekend that takes place each August, bringing together thousands of participants to enjoy a weekend of cycling, entertainment and volunteerism. The Pelotonia community centers around One Goal and one mission: to accelerate funding for innovative cancer research. Pelotonia announced a redefined experience for 2020, transformed into a more personal experience, asking participants “What will your Pelotonia 2020 be?” Participants set their own fundraising and activity goals through the new My Pelotonia platform. Activities ranged from riding, walking, volunteering and everything in between – whatever felt right to each individual to honor and support cancer research. The opportunity for participants to create their own Pelotonia activities will be available again in 2021, in addition to traditional Ride Weekend activities, allowing for people around the globe of all ages and demographics to participate in this movement. You can learn more and donate to Pelotonia at


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