Empowering the Dream of Education

Philanthropy is often driven by personal experiences, interests, or compassion inspired by the awareness of a particular challenge or need in our community. A creative individual may be inclined to support the ballet or an art museum. For those touched by a chronic or terminal illness, donations to a particular hospital or organization that specializes in cancer, heart disease or diabetes may feel particularly meaningful. One visit to The Giving Store at The Columbus Foundation yields hundreds of worthwhile organizations among which anyone can find a suitable match for gifts of any size.
Rare is the person whose life has not been positively influenced by education, and opportunities to donate directly to an alma mater or an institution that serves a demographic with whom we can relate can be a perfect fit. For those whose dream includes a vision to support an individual rather than an institution, The Columbus Foundation offers assistance with the creation of a Scholarship Fund.
Ian was the first ever high school student to work on the line at a Cameron Mitchell Restaurant – Martini’s. This work experience, together with the encouragement given to Ian to pursue his culinary dream, had a profoundly positive influence on Ian. When Ian passed away, his parents were moved to memorialize their son and show their appreciation for the opportunity and support shown to him by Cameron Mitchell Restaurants and the hospitality in general. By creating the Ian Adams Van Heyde Memorial Culinary Scholarship at Columbus State Community College, Ian’s parents are making the dream of education possible for someone else while honoring the memory of their son and the people who influenced him.
The Columbus Foundation works with donors like the Ven Heydes to establish a scholarship that achieves unique charitable goals by helping to define the award purpose, eligibility requirements, and scholarship guidelines. Scholarships may be included in The Columbus Foundation’s general online scholarship application that allows students to fill out one application for many different scholarship funds. The fund will only award scholarships to eligible recipients, selected by the donor’s designated committee, ensuring the giving goals and educational priorities of the donor are met. The Columbus Foundation manages the details and administrative paperwork to ensure that awards are disbursed on time and in accordance with the chosen process, including keeping track of donor gifts and contacting recipients and their schools. Donors are required to make a minimum initial contribution and to maintain specific balances, but the flexibility of this scholarship type allows donors to add to the fund at any time. Additionally, Scholarship Funds can be funded by gifts of many types of assets, including cash, stock, real property, mutual funds, and closely held business interests.
With a personal touch, donors interested in a giving solution that closely matches their values and goals can make the dream of higher education a reality for someone.
For more information about how to establish a Scholarship Fund with The Columbus Foundation, contact Alicia Szempruch, MPA, CAP, Scholarships Officer and Manager of The Big Table: 614/251-4000 or ASzempruch@columbusfoundation.org.