Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation
Who We Are: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Andrew Carnegie granted over $56 million to fund 2,811 free public libraries around the world. Through his generosity, the first Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) was built. Andrew Carnegie envisioned a system where communities would continue to support and maintain their libraries long
after the original grant money was gone. It is in this spirit that the Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation was established in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The foundation supports the library’s immediate needs and long-range goals through generous private donations.
What We Do: Columbus Metropolitan Library strives to create a thriving community where wisdom prevails by inspiring reading, sharing resources and connecting people. Three strategies drive the work:
Young Minds: We encourage and support learning with programs addressing critical education issues like kindergarten readiness, third-grade reading proficiency and high school graduation.
My Library: We anticipate changing customer needs to create libraries that provide physical and digital spaces to meet those needs plus customer expectations
Life Skills: We identify challenges our customers face and provide tools and skills they need to be successful in life and work, to reach their full potential
Why We're Important: The Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation provides financial support for the library’s greatest needs and highest priorities through generous gifts. We help to ensure the library’s collection, programs and services will be available for generations of learners to come. Every day the library provides vital services to the central Ohio community, like homework help for students, early literacy skills training for children and resume services for job seekers. The need for the library has never been greater; gifts to the foundation ensure that programs and services will continue to be available for free to all.
How We Impact The Community: A library is democracy’s best-kept promise that knowledge and information will be accessible to all. Columbus Metropolitan Library creates spaces and provides programs that connect children, teens, adults and families throughout the region with the knowledge and resources they need to build successful lives. Dedicated staff provide customers with critical programs and services. They prepare the library’s littlest customers for kindergarten, help students achieve success through reading practice and homework help, and guide job seekers striving to join Columbus’ vibrant workforce.
How You Can Help: We need your help to sustain and expand the library’s award-winning programs and services. Your gift to the Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation is a
tax-deductible investment that will pay great dividends for you, your family, your friends and thousands of others. No matter the size, every dollar donated helps make a positive impact in our community. Here are some ways in which community members and organizations can support Columbus Metropolitan Library:
Annual Fund Donations
Endowment and Legacy Gifts
Corporate Giving and Sponsorship
In-Kind Contributions
Connect with Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation
96 South Grant Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 614-849-1051
Executive Director: Patrick Losinski
Development Director: Rachel Heine Email: Board Chair: Barbara Derrow