Written by Abby Jeffers
Photography courtesy of Chill

“You can do anything for three minutes.” Emblazoned on the walls of Chill Cryotherapy Spa in Gahanna, the tagline is meant to motivate and encourage me to go the distance: three minutes in a massive steel cylinder, with -300 degree gaseous nitrogen circulating around my bare skin (save some socks and gloves to protect digits from frigid temperatures). Slightly intimidated, a maybe a little skeptical, I step into the full-body chamber and watch a digital clock tick off the seconds, which by minute two, start to feel like an eternity. Will three minutes really have a noticeable effect on my body? Athletes and celebrities alike use cryotherapy to treat everything from inflammation to jet lag. The treatment is believed to boost the immune system, help with muscle soreness, improve inflammation and skin conditions, and relieve some symptoms of anxiety.

Kristin Scott, co-founder of Chill Cryotherapy Spa, has been a fitness junkie since childhood, despite a career that requires her to travel often. On a work trip for Victoria’s Secret while staying at a hotel in New York, She asked the concierge for tips on a massage to soothe aching joints and muscles from an intense workout. Referred to a cryotherapy salon across the street, she was captivated by the immediate - and lasting results. Soon Scott was seeking the nearest cryotherapy center in every city she visited. In Columbus, she and her husband lamented the dearth of cold-therapy options close to home and decided to open their own cryo center. The Scotts designed an upscale studio with a soothing, Zen-like quality, stocking it with several treatment options: full-body immersion; localized cold-therapy; cryotherapy facials; and compression leg treatments. Full-body treatments start at only $30 per session, and drop dramatically with an “unlimited” monthly package. Facials are only $20 - but free on “Transformation Tuesdays,” an irresistible promotion that also includes $15 full-body sessions.

Minutes after I emerge from the cryochamber, my entire body prickled - as the blood rushed back to my limbs, I was later told. Following a hard week of working as a groom at a family friend’s stable, my sore muscles were relieved. The feeling was similar to the results from using ice bag therapy - but faster, cleaner, and more efficient. Even with only one treatment, it’s easy to see why Scott got so easily hooked on cryotherapy. And with the unmatched environment and service, it’s easy to see why so many keep coming back.
For more information