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Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (CAPA)

Who We Are: CAPA was formed in 1969 to save the historic Ohio Theatre from the wrecking ball. After the theatre was saved, CAPA renovated the magnificent 1928 movie palace to its original glory. CAPA currently owns and/or operates 11 beloved theatre spaces in and around Columbus. CAPA is an arts leader and collaborator that includes shared business services for multiple leading resident arts groups. CAPA provides a robust education and outreach program that helps to connect our community with the performing arts. CAPA brings the best entertainment in the world and presents them on our stages for our community to enjoy and experience.

What We Do: CAPA enriches lives by cultivating and nurturing the arts, spreading an appreciation that can be felt in hearts, minds and the economy of our communities. Our vision is to make Columbus a national destination for living, breathing art. We do this by being a leader in the arts community by collaboration, shared services, providing education and outreach for our community, and by being a protector of our cherished theatres.

Why We're Important: Our theatre spaces are the core of who CAPA really is. Theatres are the places where anyone and everyone is welcome to come and share unique and important experiences with each other. In our Theatres we tell stories, celebrate special occasions, and truly experience life side by side with our neighbors in a way that is unique and healing for us all. At this time, we all miss these opportunities that we may have taken for granted in the past. We need your help to protect these treasures to make sure they are ready for us when it is safe for us all to return.

How We Impact The Community: We impact the community by providing our spaces to gather. In the last year, we have also served over 25,000 members of our community through our education and outreach programs. We also support multiple other resident arts groups with shared business services so that they are able to focus directly on their art, and have strong business practices through our partnerships.

Right now, in this unique time, we are connecting our audience with more local artists by providing opportunities online for the artists to connect with our audience that are craving live music performances.

How You Can Help: You can help CAPA by making a charitable donation to support our education and outreach programs. Your gift also supports the stewardship of our theatre spaces ensuring them for the future. Your support will also support the artists that work onstage and behind the curtains that help make the arts accessible to our community.

You can also help be an advocate for the arts at this time by supporting the Save Our Stages Act that is currently in Congress.

This action may help provide critical funding for our industry.

Connect with Columbus Association for the Performing Arts (CAPA)

55 East State Street Columbus, OH 43215 614-469-0939

Executive Director: CEO Chad Whittington

Email: Development Director: Barbara Markus Email: Board Chair: Rich Helmreich


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